Before configuring the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server to. The range of values you can enter is 1 to 999999.If you disable or do not configure this policy setting a keep-alive interval is not set and the server will not check the session state. Configure a Remote Desktop Session Host Server to Provide Redirection.
This has annoyed our system admins as all their works and opened windows keep getting terminated that eventually we opened a ticket with Telstra Cloud support. Your Remote Desktop Services Session ended because the remote computer didn’t receive any input from you. Its possible to enable a keep alive setting on the server by editing the Windows registry of the server. Session has been idle over its time limit. This sometimes annoys me, since some connections remain open and used all day (like development server environments. About two weeks ago many of the users started experiencing frequent disconnects and reconnects. Terminal Services Remote Desktop automatically kills session which are not actively used for some times. Straight RDP to the vm's no RDP broker or the like. We connect to the server using Remote Desktop When we connect to the server and initiate the program.

We have 20 users that login to 20 vm's on a Windows 2012 STD r2 server running Hyper-V. We have a server with a few security applications running on them. The keep-alive interval determines how often in minutes the server checks the session state. Posted by rackIt on Jun 26th, 2017 at 7:27 PM. Thats it As soon as you click Apply, the new settings will be saved: from now on, all newly-initialized Remote Desktop session will be disconnected after the given amount of time. If the client logs on to the same RD Session Host server again a new session might be established (if the RD Session Host server is configured to allow multiple sessions) and the original session might still be active.If you enable this policy setting you must enter a keep-alive interval. This policy setting allows you to enter a keep-alive interval to ensure that the session state on the RD Session Host server is consistent with the client state.After an RD Session Host server client loses the connection to an RD Session Host server the session on the RD Session Host server might remain active instead of changing to a disconnected state even if the client is physically disconnected from the RD Session Host server.